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1 Min Read

Why Can’t Campaign Ads be Simple Again?

Back in the day, candidates didn’t use the same type of smear tactics we see today in campaign ads. They used fun, memorable, repetitious cartoons, jingles and other entertaining methods to get people to vote for them. I can just imagine what the campaign teams could come up with for…

1 Min Read

Top U.S. Bloggers for McCain?

Though many of the top U.S. bloggers, including internet ‘Rockstar’ Jeremy “Shoemoney” Schoemaker have made it clear that they support Republicans (he’s said he’s a big Bush fan), a slim few, including the self-proclaimed Internet Geek Girl, Stephanie Agresta seem to be thinking about the long term fiscal affects of…

1 Min Read

80’s Flashback: “More than Meets the Eye”

In today’s 80s flashback, I’ve decided to include the first episode from one of my favorite television shows growing up, Transformers. You know how when you look back at the shows you used to watch as a kid you sometimes wonder what you were thinking? Well, having watched this episode…

1 Min Read

What Constitutes Abuse?

What constitutes abuse? Is it a smack on the face? How about an unpleasant word? Is abuse something deeper or is just something that has to be construed as abuse by the victim of said abuse? I’ve been in therapy since I was five. That’s about the time I realized…