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1 Min Read

My Top Ten Favorite 80s Teen Movies

I was born in 1980. That means I remember from about 1983-1984 onward. This also means that I was impressionable in relation to the music, movies and to a lesser extent, the television series of the decade. That being said, I’m a HUGE fan of anything 80s. I believe that…

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New Television Shows

I haven’t watched Television religiously in quite a while, but since I’ve been blogging I picked it back up again. With the season ahead of us, I have to say I am pretty glad I did.

4 Min Read

Cruelty of Kids

It’s hard when kids are cruel. With CT’s disability he is often the target of other kids because he does not understand social behaviors. We want him to socialize as much as possible, but what do you do when others take advantage of the kid who just wants someone to like him?