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1 Min Read

Been Sick

Sorry for my absence on this blog. Last week, I fought a nasty virus. Now I’m fighting an even nastier ear infection. Right now, I’m trying to get on antibiotics from my doctor. There is much I’d like to say right now, but I’m not feeling so hot. My face…

7 Min Read

In My Darkest Hour

I’ve struggled for many months about this very topic. I don’t want pity. I don’t want loathing. I just want people to understand that I’ve been to hell and back. I’ve survived. I don’t expect people to reply to this with comments. I just ask that you read and listen….

1 Min Read

Getting a Wheelchair Accessible Van

I’ve had wheelchair accessible vans, in the past. Originally, they didn’t cost nearly as much as they do today. There were more resources out there, willing and able to help you purchase wheelchair accessible vehicles. Well, as part of my new year’s resolution, I’ve wanted to be able to get…