80s Meme I stole from Ashtyn
I am a child of the 80s. Therefore, I have filled out this cool 80s Meme. You should fill it out, too and if you do, feel free to spread the link love!
I am a child of the 80s. Therefore, I have filled out this cool 80s Meme. You should fill it out, too and if you do, feel free to spread the link love!
Manufacturer: VTech Model: VTech CS6129-31 Cordless phones are an absolute necessity for a person in a wheelchair. I could technically use a phone with a cord, though it’s much easier if I am prepared by having the phone with me while awake and on the charger when asleep. Prior to…
ENTRY RULES: Dominick Evans (that’s me!) is proud to be giving away a VTech CS6129-31 Cordless Phone. To enter all you need to do is leave us a comment. Please be sure to only leave one. COMMENTS ARE MODERATED to avoid spam, so it will not show up right away….
So, yeah. I was interviewed by Ashtyn, on video. This is me talking about my disability. I show off how I can move my leg (a little) and I also discuss my websites and why I’m so cool! [tags]Dominick Evans, video, disability, help, cool, wheelchair football, fun[/tags]