My tongue-in-cheek response to all the stupid crap people say to those in wheelchairs. Really, don’t take this post too seriously. While saying this stuff may make you look dumb, I’m not going to be pissed if you make yourself look ignorant!
As a person with a disability, I must speak out about how Mitt Romney is going to greatly affect my life and the lives of my friends if he gets into office. Please consider voting for Obama and voting for freedom, this week.
Here is a letter I posted to Mrs. Ann Romney in response to an article she wrote on BlogHer about her husband. I explain why I cannot nad will not vote for her husband.
I was born this way (Cripple & Proud), but that does not stop people from asking if I’m in my chair, thanks to an accident.
Countries like Iraq and Pakistan have broadcast the 2012 ParaOlympics, but the United States has chosen not to feature the games on television.
Even those off us with disabilities underestimate ourselves. If we do that, how can we expect the able-bodied world to realize we are capable of just as much as they are?
As a parent, I enjoy taking a break from technology to spend time with the kids. However, so many parents cannot seem to put down the gadgets and leave the tech behind.
We see Chik-Fil-A condoning the death of LGBT people, by giving to the Family Research Council. We see politicians holding signs of the president with a spike through him. We should NEVER condoning the killing of another, just because we disagree with them on a fundamental or political level. Unless they are a serial killer or a child murderer (pedophile), I do not condone seeking death, for anyone.
When I protested at the local Chik-Fil-a, it was peaceful except for one man, who felt it necessary to denigrate me as a person, as a human being here on Earth.