Examining Obamacare
Obamacare is a step in the right direction towards healthcare reform, but it certainly does not go far enough in helping Americans gain access to better healthcare.
Obamacare is a step in the right direction towards healthcare reform, but it certainly does not go far enough in helping Americans gain access to better healthcare.
Being transgender means having, at least, 17 different operations. Here is the latest on the surgery I have had, how I got through it, and how I am feeling now.
After having my wheelchair break down and facing being unaccepted in my daily life, I try to explain what I am thinking and how I am feeling. Nobody can ever tell me how I feel or what I think is wrong.
I am still stuck in bed. I am getting really frustrated. Why don’t new wheelchairs grow on trees?
I am at the end of my rope when it comes to frustration. My wheelchair has officially died, and I have no choice but to remain in bed until bureaucrats in Washington realize they have forced an active, productive member of the American society into bed indefinitely.