My Life as a Fashion Victim
I have found that in my old age, I actually have pretty good taste. Growing up, I never picked out my own clothes. Once I became a teenager, I didn’t dress myself, so I never picked out my clothes then, either. By the time I went to college, I was…
How do You Dream?
I dream quite a bit. I don’t always remember my dreams, but when I do, the experience is incredibly intense. I can feel the action happening and sometimes, I don’t want it to end, especially if it is a good dream. Sometimes, if it is so good, I will physically…
New Years Resolutions
I spoke a bit about my plans for the next year, but I really wasn’t as specific as I would like to be in my goals for the new year. I thought maybe if I listed them, a la, the new year’s resolution style of thinking, I could reflect back…
Quid Pro Quo Just Emphasizes the Psychology of BIID
The film, Quid Pro Quo, had the potential to be an outstanding movie that explored the controversial nature surrounding BIID without seemingly taking a position in support of this ludicrous mental “disorder”.
2009 – The Year of the Makeover for Dominick
I’ve decided I need a makeover. Not just one on the outside, but one on the inside, too. I’ve made excuses for too long. I’ve fallen back on health issues and other problems, which have slowed down my work. I know I’m never going to have a conventional career path…
Home Renovations – No Time for Writing?
My days have been absolute chaos. Well, at least for the past two or three weeks. We’re having some minor home renovations, which are being done to the entire house (and are ABSOLUTELY, 100% necessary). For starters, we have new carpet in the bedrooms. We also have new light fixtures…
For a Homosexual, Judge David Young Sure is Judgmental
I considered adding “is a judgmental prick” to my title, but I decided to leave the potty language for this actual article. I know I’ve written before about various minority groups showing their own prejudices. In a prior article (which I currently cannot find – It might be on one…
A Time to Be Thankful
As the end of the year approaches, it’s time for all of us to be thankful and yet, this year, I’m finding it hard. For the first time since we’ve been working for ourselves, Ashtyn and I are facing real struggles. These are struggles I don’t talk about with anyone…
Dear Barbara Walters…I’m a Trans Guy, Too
After the sensationalistic, media circus surrounding Thomas Beatie and his 20/20 interview, which revealed he’s pregnant again, I felt compelled to write Barbara Walters a letter. While this is not the formal letter I sent to her (though I mention many of the same things I wrote to her, in…
Sometimes Being in a Wheelchair Sucks
I’m not the type to complain much about my disability. I rarely feel sorry for myself for being in a wheelchair. It’s pretty much natural to me. I’ve accepted that and there is nothing that is going to change it until a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy is found. I…