I’m Spittin’ Mad about this Thomas Beatie Crap
So, first Thomas Beatie had to go and have one child and now he’s having another. The issue I have with this is the backlash this is going to have on the transgender community. Let me go back a bit, to explain this to those who might not know who…
Tagging to Help Fellow Bloggers
I was tagged by Leah Dossey of Creative Wisdom from Blue Leaf Creative. The point is to link up with other bloggers and have them link up with you. The rules are pretty simple from what I am to understand. Step #1 – Link to the person who tagged you….
There Still is Much to be Done for GLBT Rights
This month, we elected the first non-Caucasian president in the history of the United States. On the same night, four different states passed laws against GLBT individuals. In Arizona and Florida, those states defined marriage as being between one man and one woman thus banning GLBT individuals from being able…
We Are as One – My Unity Post
Midway through election night, I had the distinct honor of joining a great group of people; new friends and Obama supporters. Keith Burtis, an artist on my Twitter, invited those on his list to a live blog, chatting event at the Yes but No but Yes web blog. Since I…
Happy Halloween!
We celebrated Halloween on Friday and Saturday. CT is 13, so this is the first year he didn’t go out trick or treating. On Friday night, he stood in the doorway of my bedroom and said, “I guess trick or treating is over.” I said to him, “Yes, CT. It…
How We Homeschool
In the last few days, I’ve been reading over a few different homeschooling blogs. I’ve noticed that many people homeschooling list the books they use to teach their children. We aren’t homoschooling due to our religious beliefs. We’re homeschooling to provide a higher quality education for our son. I’ve found…
MDP United’s Winter Holiday Adoption Program
Burton, Michigan – October 29, 2008: Muscular Dystrophy Patients United is announcing its second annual Winter Holidays Adoption Program. This program is specifically for families who have children with Muscular Dystrophy. Last year, MDP United was able to assist three families and this year the organization hopes to help between…
Podcasting on Politics on Religion
I’m going to start podcasting here at DominickEvans.com. It’s about time I actually expressed my thoughts and opinions in a more productive way. I believe podcasting will be an excellent outlet. I am very excited about this new endeavor and I hope you all will join me for the ride….
Boys and Their Toys: Should Little Boys Be Allowed to Play with Dolls?
I grew up in the 1980s. The 80s were initially progressive, somewhat like the 70s before them, but come the late 80s it almost feels like a strain occurred. This strangulation on what I like to call social freedom continues today and I believe it has gotten progressively worse. I…
It’s Dominick Not Dominique…
I got a political call today and the woman asked to talk to Dominick. I told her, that was me and she said, “uhm this is Dominick?” So, I said, “Yeah, this is Dominick.” Her reply was, “Ok, Dominique not Dominick.” And I said, “No, this is Dominick.” She paused…