Homeschool Lesson Plans – Mapping out a School Year
An article on how time consuming it can be to map out an entire homeschool year.
Quick Thought on Politics – Who do you Vote for When you Don’t Like Anyone?
The election is coming and I can’t help but wonder, who the hell you vote for when you don’t really like the options?
Disability Rights Activists Protesting the Film “Tropic Thunder” Have Bigger Fish to Fry
Tropic Thunder is clearly parody. Sure, it might be mildly offensive, but if you’re protesting this you have bigger issues that you could be thinking about.
Busy…So Very Busy
Between website work, homeschooling, and life in general I have been incredibly busy.
Transitioning Woes and Becoming Me
No one said that transitioning would be easy. My struggles may be specific to me, but I know I’m not alone in transition struggles.
Maintaining My Voice – Transitioning as a Singer
One of the scariest things about my transition was living with the idea that I might never be able to sing again.
Thomas Beatie does more harm than good for the Transgender Community
An article on thoughts about the transgender man who gave birth, Thomas Beatie, from a transgendered man.
Rude People at Festivals – What Not to Do to People in Wheelchairs
A guide how not to treat people, especially those with disabilities at an outdoor event.
Day of Blogging for LGBT Families – Just a Normal Family?
My post for the LGBT families day of blogging during Pride Month.
Introducing LGBTQIA Issues to Children
It’s never too soon to introduce children to people that are LGBT. If you’re unsure how to do it, consider some help with these amazing books.