My Experience with #AccessEquality at The Neon in Dayton, OH
It is the first day of celebrating access equality, and one of the ways to do that is through sharing our stories facing access barriers. By using the Facebook page located here, and using the Twitter hashtag #AccessEquality, I hope to create a narrative that makes people understand the…
Celebrate Access Equality on September 26
Join us on September 26, as we celebrate access equality for everyone regardless of disability.
To the People Shaming Fat People…
When I was a little kid, I was always the smallest person in my class. I was very short, and having scoliosis made me even shorter. I also was very tiny. All of that changed between fourth and fifth grade. I have a progressive muscle disease that is called Spinal…
Target Shows it is Easy to Include People with Disabilities
It’s time to go back to school, and that means retailers like Target are rolling out their back-to-school videos. I happened to catch one of their new commercials when it aired before another video on a local news station’s website. I was delighted to discover that one of the children…
What Saying you Don’t Approve of Being LGBT Really Means
I have spent most of my life disappointing someone within it, and it has taken me many years to realize that is on them. I am a disappointment because I am transgender. I’m not attracted to the people I’m supposed to be attracted to. I have a disability that is…
The Dangers of Outing People Who are Transgender
Right now, I live somewhere between people knowing me and obscurity. This means that while thousands of people online know I am a mostly out trans man, in my everyday life where I am living in a greater metro NYC area full of millions of people when combined with the…
Is it Ever Okay to be an Inspiration?
Most people with disabilities find it problematic to be called an inspiration. Is it ever okay? It truly depends on the context.
Activists with Disabilities Say #NothingWithoutUs
Activists in the disability community are changing the dialogue from nothing about us without us to simply saying nothing without us when it comes to inclusion in the media.
All People Need to Start Caring About Disability
Every person in the world needs to start thinking about disability, because, at some point will impact their own lives in some form.
I’m a Transgender Man, and I Played with Dolls
Just because you play with dolls, does not mean you are a girl. Boys and girls can play with any toys they want.